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The JMac Customs HRD!

Let's just jump right in and break down the naming system.

Others might call this a "hand stop," but if you know anything about JMac, you know we love technical terms and definitions. Now, formally introducing our newest product (dun dun dunnnn!!)




Affordable, compact, lightweight, & reversible. Plus, it looks dang GOOD!

Here are the details:

  • M-Lok Compatible
  • Fits in and across M-Lok Slots
  • Includes premium mounting hadware
  • 7075 T6 Aluminum
  • Hard Coat Anodized
  • .42 ounces
  • 1.5 x 1.13 x .59
  • $47.95

This sleek design will function and look great on a variety of firearms with M-Lok rails. Bonus points because the end user can install forward or reverse, whichever fits their needs best. Extra bonus points for the under $50 price point. 

Be one of the first to grab our newest product design, the HRD, available NOW!